Travel Tips for Parents with Two Children under Two

If you travel alone with two little ones then you understand how difficult the plans can be. On the other hand when you travel with the other parent your travel plans will be completely different.

Young children can be a handful when they are cooped up for long periods of time on the airplane and when they are unable to sleep in their own beds. To help make your trip more enjoyable and easier to manage here are some tips for traveling with two children under two years old.


If you are traveling alone with the two little ones then you have several seating options that are legal with the airlines. You can sit in your own seat and purchase two additional seats for the children. This way they each can sit in a car seat and you can tend to the other without having one on your lap. The other option is to purchase two seats so one child sits in their car seat and the other sits on your lap.

When traveling with the other parent there is another option available with two children under two. The other parent can have the second child on their lap while you have one child on your lap. Then you only have to purchase two tickets and all four of you can travel together.


When traveling alone with the two young children you may want to consider taking a double stroller so you can strap them both in. This will keep you from worrying about losing a child in the busy airport and give you a place to throw the diaper bag and other necessities. Your other option would be to use a car seat with travel roller system and put the other child in a front pack or sling.

On the other hand if you are traveling together as a family then each parent can use a single stroller or you can use one double stroller. If you purchased four seats so each of you sat on your own seat then one parent can carry the car seats while the other pushes the children. Of course traveling all together is much easier because it puts less pressure on one parent but if it is not possible do not be discouraged.


When it comes to packing for you and two young children then packing light is really important. Bring enough diapers and wipes for a few days and purchase more once you arrive at your destination. Also pack enough outfits for a few days for each child and then do laundry while you are visiting. This will allow you to pack in one suitcase with fifty pounds or less. On the other hand if both parents are traveling then you can each pack a suitcase or one can bring on a roller bag while the other packs the regular suitcase.

Airlines will thankfully check one car seat per paying adult so with both parents traveling you will not have to worry about the expense of car seats for lap children. Otherwise if you are traveling alone then you can check one car seat for free unless you use it for the child to sit in.

Food & Drink

When traveling with two young children there is nothing more important than packing the appropriate food and drink. Infants of course will need their bottles of formula or breast milk while toddlers will want training cups and snacks. No matter what they need, you will want to make sure you have enough for a couple of days. This way if your travel plans get delayed you do not run out of important things like formula or baby puree.

Pack Smart

Whether you are traveling alone with the children or both parents are along for the trip you will want to make arrangements accordingly. Plan ahead so that all the topics discussed above are figured out and you do not run into last minute issues. While it is a challenge to travel with young children it is wonderful to see family and friends so the stress is worth it. Good luck and safe travels to you and your family.

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