Tips for Staying Healthy On Travel

The travel season has begun. Staying healthy on the road can be difficult due to all the colds that circulate. To help avoid the ongoing colds and stay healthy in your travels this holiday season you can follow these easy tips.

Drink Liquids
It is extremely important to drink lots of liquids and stay hydrated during cold and flu season to flush away any germs you pick up. Also if you happen to get sick staying hydrated will help shorten the amount of time you are completely under the weather. Try stocking up on hot teas and 100% juices to mix half and half with water so that you always have something to sip on.

Stay Active
Just because you’re on the road, doesn’t mean you can get lazy. Working your body to stay fit will keep it strong and fighting germs. It will also stimulate blood to your brain. Even if its just a 30 minute session on a yoga mat in your hotel room, you’ll look better, feel better, and be in a better mood.

With the heat on these days you may notice how dry the air has gotten in your house if you do not already have a humidifier going. The dry air can dry out your sinuses causing cracks where viruses and bacteria will get into your system easier. Also it is not much fun to wake up to a bloody nose or stuffy head. Making sure there is plenty of moister in the air will help keep your sinuses moist.

Vitamin C
Taking a vitamin C supplement can also help you from getting sick during the holidays so it is a good idea to stock up. They have chewable tablets for both adults and children to make it easier to take. Another easy way to get extra vitamin C is to drink orange juice and cranberry juice.

Wash Hands
One of the best ways to avoid getting a cold is to wash your hands before you eat food, touch your children or touch your face. Washing your hands with regular soap is better because it allows the good bacteria to remain on your hands. Stock up on hand soap and place one at each sink in your house including the kitchen sink to encourage hand washing.

Wash Clothing
While it is nice to get plenty of wear out of your clothing it is important to wash the clothes you wear out in public and to work or school. This will help reduce the amount of germs you carry to your home. As an extra precaution you can take a shower when you get home and change clothes. This will help prevent the spread of colds your co-workers or fellow students have to your family.

Eat Healthy & Travel Safe
While all the sweets and snacks are popping up at the grocery store this time of year it is important to eat well balanced meals. Eating healthy will ensure you have the best opportunity to beat cold germs you pick up day to day. Hopefully eating healthy along with the other tips mentioned above will help you avoid getting sick for your travels.

Be safe when driving to visit family and friends and give yourself plenty of time to get to and from your travel destination no matter which form of transportation you are using. Airports are filled with germs just like any other public place and airplanes are filled with many people breathing in a small area. Keep your hands washed and take plenty of vitamin C to help prevent getting sick. Good luck and have a happy and healthy holidays.

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