Posts Tagged ‘travel accessories’

Ten Items that Make Air Travel Fly By

When traveling on airplanes some flight can seem like they take forever. With crying children, snoring adults and bright lights it seems as though you can never get any good sleep on airplanes. To help you pass the time when you are stuck in a small seat for hours on end I have come up with ten items that make air travel fly by.

1. Ear Plugs

With loud noises everywhere on airplanes you can hardly get any rest. The best solution to drown out the noise is to pack a good pair of ear plugs. The soft squishy ones that you squeeze and then they expand to fit your ear are best at blocking noise.

2. Eye Mask

Whether you are trying to sleep on a redeye flight with reading lights on or on a day flight airplanes can be very bright. Purchasing an eye mask is a life saver for those of you who have a hard time sleeping with light. They are lightweight and pack easily so you can fit it in your purse.

3. Sleeping Medicine

One trick to getting a nice solid nap on your long flight is to take a mild dose of sleeping medicine. This is only good if you do not have any children to take care of as you will fall into a deeper sleep than usual. Tylenol PM is great for six hour cross country flights.

4. MP3 Player

Packing your MP3 player is a great alternative to the music selection on most airplanes these days. They offer a decent selection on some of the larger and newer planes but most do not have the personal entertainment centers. Make yourself a mix of relaxation music to listen to for the flight and name it flight music so you can find it easily.

5. Headphones

A nice pair of sound eliminating headphones is a great investment for traveling. They reduce the background noise dramatically so you can hear your music clearly without turning the volume on high.

6. DVD Player

Watching a couple of movies on your flight really helps time fly as long as you really like the themes. The best thing to do is bring your own DVD player and headphones so you do not have to watch what the plane is watching unless you want to.

7. Books

Reading a good book is an easy way to pass the hours of a long airplane flight. Bringing along one or two chapter books that you have not had time to read at home is always nice. This is a great opportunity to get any pleasure reading done in your busy schedule.

8. Puzzle Books

Playing around in a puzzle book can really pass the time as well so make sure you bring one you enjoy. Things like Sudoku and crossword puzzles are fun to do when you are stuck in your seat for hours to take you mind off of the flight.

9. Computer Games

If you are into computer games and have a laptop than bringing it along for the flight can be fun. There are some simple games on computers like solitaire and spider solitaire that you can play. However, if you are into the more complex computer games it is possible to use them on most domestic flights now with the internet access.

10. Sketch Pad

For the aspiring artist or artist at heart it is always nice to pack a sketch pad and some pencils to draw. This is a lightweight and fun activity that is sure to pass the time of a long airplane flight.

While you may relate to a couple or more of the things listed above there is something for everyone. It can be difficult to sit in your small seat for long periods of time but with the things listed above your travel experience will not seem so long. Enjoy your flight and remember to pack the necessities to make your flight more enjoyable.

Ten Great Travel Accessories

By: Alexine

When traveling by plane, train or bus you want to be as comfortable as possible. To make sure you can sleep on an overnight travel experience or relax during daytime travel you will want to pack right. There are so many travel accessories to choose from that you can easily miss an important one. To help you pack for a long day or night of traveling here are ten great travel accessories you won’t want to miss.

1. Pillow

Having a pillow along may seem like a bit of a luxury however most planes and trains run out fast. They do supply a few but if you want to guarantee no stiff neck on the other end of your trip then packing your own pillow is a great choice. They make blow up neck pillows that are really small when deflated if you are worried about space.

2. Blanket

Just like pillows, blankets are a scarce commodity on planes and trains. Just packing a little fleece blanket will save you a lot of discomfort when the air conditioning kicks in on those enclosed spaces. It is easier to put more layers on then to take them off so dress in layers and pack a little blanket for the trip to maximize your comfort.

3. Ear Plugs

Whether there are five screaming babies or chatty adults near your seat it is nice to be able to zone out and enjoy your travels. Having a good set of ear plugs along can make a world of a difference. Make sure you get a comfortable pair that blocks out sound so that you can sleep with your ear leaned on the pillow if you want to. Also the ear plugs help with pressure changes which is nice.

4. Bubble Gum

As simple as it may be bubble gum is a great distraction for long hours of traveling. You can play with it in your mouth and enjoy the flavor in between interesting snacks. Another great thing about bubble gum is that it helps with pressure changes. Chewing bubble gum helps pop your ears on the airplane and when traveling through the mountains on train or bus.

5. MP3 Player

To help keep your mind busy or at peace load your favorite tunes on an MP3 player. It is a small little device that offers hours of entertainment. You can also put audio books on there if you buy them or rent them from the library before the trip. If you need soothing music to sleep with then this also helps a lot because you zone out all the chatter and commotion around you.

6. DVD Player

Most major airports offer DVD rentals for flights which is a great distraction. Also some MP3 players and most laptops double as a DVD player. Just make sure you pack a couple of your favorite movies or load them before you have to leave for the airport. Also remember to charge your battery or you will be out of luck when it comes to watching anything.

7. Good Book

Sometimes all you need is a good book to keep your mind busy for hours on end. This is a great distraction for flights where you are stuck in your seat for hours without much room to move around. To help you concentrate on the book you can put your MP3 player on with some classical music that doesn’t have any words or wear your ear plugs to keep you focused.

8. Note Pad & Pen

Most times when you travel there will be time to just sit back, relax and think about life back at your home. This seems to be the best time to think of things you have wanted to do for a while or just thought up. Make sure you keep a notepad and pen with you so when you come up with an idea you can jot it down real fast before you forget.

9. Mini Photo Album

Whether you are taking a business trip or a trip to visit some friends without your spouse and children, a photo album is a nice accessory. Most people ask to see a photo of your family so it is always nice to have one or two in your wallet. It is a bonus when you have a mini photo album because it gives you something to look at to see their faces when you miss your family.

10. Water Bottle

If you bring one from home then make sure it is empty if you are traveling by plane. However, filling it up once you pass through security is a must. With the beverage service on airplanes coming only once or twice you will want a water bottle along to quench your thirst. Also when traveling by train or bus they don’t usually have a service and only some trains have a snack car that is not always open.

Hopefully you will remember all the important travel accessories the next time you take a trip or vacation. If you can then jot down these items on a piece of paper and keep it in your travel bag so you remember to put them in each time you travel. I can’t count the times I have forgotten one or two of my must haves when traveling.
