Recording Memories on Your Vacation

Vacations are where dreams come alive and memories are made. Whether you capture your significant other catching their first wave or your child’s first time down the bunny slope, there are many ways to remember such events.

The most common way to capture a memory is to take a picture. This is a wonderful way to share your memories with family and friends. While pictures are the best way to capture memories there are many different types of cameras available.

To help you choose the best camera or cameras for your vacation I have put together a few of the most commonly used. These are some of the devices you can use to capture your memories on vacation this year.

Disposable 35mm Camera

While there are lots of fancy cameras on the market these days you can still get your hands on disposable 35mm film cameras. They are easy to use and basic so if you lose one it is not a huge financial loss. These cameras are great for giving the kids on vacation so you do not worry about expensive equipment.

Regular 35mm Camera

For those of you who prefer the original 35mm film then you should take along the old type of camera. They are perfect for artistic shots and good for experienced photographers. Film can be frustrating because you do not get a screen shot of what you just took and there is more room for error.

Digital Point and Shoot Camera

The basic and easy to navigate digital cameras are point and shoot cameras. Many different brands make these cameras and they are not all expensive. These digital cameras are perfect for capturing memories on vacation and many are very compact. You can throw it in your pocket and snap quick shots when the moments arise.

Digital SLR Camera

The more fancy digital cameras you can purchase for your trip are SLR cameras with multiple lenses. While one lens may be for taking pictures up close you would want another for taking landscape shots. To make your traveling bag a little lighter you can purchase a lense with a large range.

Waterproof Camera

If you are heading to a tropical destination or somewhere you will be in the water a lot the waterproof camera is a perfect choice. There are disposable and nice digital waterproof cameras that are built to get wet. The digital waterproof cameras are great for taking snorkeling, swimming and on a ride down a log chute.

Video Camera

For celebrating a special occasion or a new experience make sure you purchase a video camera for this vacation. They are perfect for capturing the sounds, live images and real emotion in a situation. Take one along on your vacation to make sure you get all the action packed excitement recorded.

Buy Wisely

Before you go out and purchase a camera do your research on the brand, price and reviews. There are so many different types of cameras that it can be overwhelming. If you know the type of camera you want for the vacation it will be a lot easier to pick one out. Enjoy shopping and have fun on your vacation.

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