Closer Destinations – A Recession Wedding Trend

By: Alexine

Recession Time Wedding Trends

In times of financial difficulty it is sometimes hard to really enjoy planning such an expensive event as a wedding. With rising costs of food, entertainment and travel one could argue that it is easier to put off the wedding until times change. However, many people have overcome the difficulty and gone ahead with their wedding plans. Here are some of the most popular recession time wedding trends and tips on how to make them work for you.

Closer Destinations

The wedding budget in recession time does not allow for far away destination weddings. However, that does not stop people from having fun getaway weddings here amongst our own continental forty-eight states. Places like Branson, MO are gaining as popular locations for weddings due to their great accommodations and fun activities for families.

If you have a Branson, MO wedding then your attendees can go to your wedding and have a fun family vacation all in one. This saves the trouble of people having to choose between coming to your wedding or having a family vacation.

Shorter Guest List

This is one of the most popular wedding trends these days due to the fact that providing food and beverage for more people makes your wedding bill outrageous. Not to mention you have to use a larger venue. This means you have to work really hard on the bride and groom guest lists. We all know it is not so fun when it comes to cutting people out.

To make the cutting part easier, put your guests in order of importance on each list. Sometimes a best friend is more important than a second cousin you haven‘t talked to in years. Never feel bad when making this type of a decision because this is your wedding and unless someone else is paying for it those types of decisions are yours to make.

Wedding Dress Rental

While renting a wedding dress was not popular a couple years ago, this trend has taken off due to the recession. Before women saw the few hundred dollar difference between renting and buying as a minor decision but now days every dollar counts. One could argue that the ninety-nine dollar sales at bridal shops are a great price and less expensive than renting but you will discover they do not offer the greatest selection of wedding dresses.

Every bride wants to look and feel her best on their wedding day and having the perfect dress is first in line. Don’t be afraid to rent your wedding dress. It’s not like people will come up and ask you at your wedding if your dress was purchased or rented.

Inexpensive Honeymoon

One of the forgotten but fun parts of the wedding these days is the honeymoon. Many people have taken this off the to-do list right after their wedding due to how expensive they can be. However, creating an inexpensive honeymoon has become a popular trend with all the special offers these days.

There are some all inclusive deals with air fare, lodging and food/drink that are pretty reasonable because of the recession. If you can afford a little more than your wedding then you just might want to check out some of the all inclusive deals that are out there. Go to some of the airlines and resort websites and check out what the specials are. Sometimes they are even better if you wait until really close to your departure date.

Spending Wisely

With all the financial worry these days you have to really focus on enjoying the wedding planning. As mentioned above, there are many different trends people are following in order to have a special wedding during this recession. Do not let the financial struggles make you cancel the wedding. Instead try and make it happen using one or some of the ideas above.

Your wedding is one of the most important days of your life so make sure that you can enjoy every moment of it. Spending less does not mean that it will be not as fun or not as special. In the end money does not buy happiness so focus on enjoying the friends and family at your wedding and not how much you spent on each part of putting it together.

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