Checklist – Air Travel with Baby

Air Travel with Baby Checklist

Author: Alexine

When air traveling with baby, thinking through what to pack is extra critical because there is no place to buy anything on the plane. You need to bring everything you might need for the duration of the flight from diapers and wipes to blankets and rattles.

After my first trip with my infant son, I made a list of “must haves” for my next flight. To make sure you do not leave the house without anything important, I’m sharing my “air travel with baby checklist”, for everyone to use so hopefully your trip will go smoothly.

Large Items for Baby

When flying, you can take your infant car seat and stroller with you to the gate and the airlines will put gate check tags on them. Then all you do is stroll baby to the end of the ramp and leave them folded up by the door right before entering the airplane. The airline workers will put them under the plane for the flight.

Once you land and pull up to the next gate they will put them right outside the plane for you to use again. This is the easiest way to travel with a baby so you do not have to hold baby and all your carryon bags.

If you need to bring your pack and play for the baby to sleep in then you will want to check this when you check in for your flight. It is very important because your baby need a safe place to sleep where you are traveling to if they do not have a crib or playpen for you to use.

What to Pack in Your Carryon Bags

 4 Binkies or Pacifiers (for the self soothing baby)
 Binky or Pacifier Holder (to prevent binky from hitting the ground)
 3 Full Bottles (so you do not have to make them on the plane)
 Small Can of Formula (just in case 3 bottles is not enough)
 Breast Pump (if you do not want to nurse on the plane)
 Nursing Cover (if you plan to nurse in public or around friends and family)
 Breast Pads (3 sets of 2 or 6 individually wrapped)
 3 Burp Cloths (to keep the drool and spit up contained)
 10 Disposable Diapers (cloth is too much to carry on)
 Soft Package of Wipes (50 to 70 count)
 Diaper Rash Cream (3oz or less)
 Baby Lotion (3oz or less)
 Baby Powder (travel size)
 Three Extra One Piece Footie Outfits (much easier for travel)
 2 Soft and Warm Baby Blankets (airplanes tend to be cool)
 1 Extra Nursing Bra (in case of emergency)
 2 Extra Shirts (in case of spit up or knocked over beverages)
 Front Baby Carrier or Wrap (great for the flight and getting on and off the plane)
 4 or 5 of Baby’s Favorite Toys (small hand toys like links, teethers and rattles)
 Infant Medication (for fever or any prescriptions they might have)

When it comes to long days of travel with a baby you will only want to carry the necessities onboard and check everything else underneath the plane. It can become overwhelming to try and pack strictly carryon luggage when you have a baby. If the child is under two you will be able to let them sit on your lap which saves you the extra money for another ticket. Paying for a checked bag is much less expensive than paying for another seat.

Thankfully airlines allow you to have an extra diaper bag for baby so you do not have to stuff all of the baby’s items in your carry on. This brings your carryon luggage allowance to one bag, one personal item and a diaper bag.

What to Pack in Your Checked Luggage
 Extra Burp Cloths (2 per day)
 Disposable Diapers (8 to 10 per day)
 Wipes (1 pack of 50 to 70 for every 3 days)
 Weather Appropriate Outfits (2 per day)
 Weather Appropriate Pajamas (2 per day and if you use AC bring long sleeve cotton pajamas)
 Baby Sunscreen (for warm weather and sun exposure)
 Bathing Suit for Baby (for beach or pool)
 Lightweight Sweatshirt or Winter Jacket (depending on the destination and season)
 Weather Warm Cover for Infant Car Seat (for winter travel)
 Bug Net Cover for Infant Car Seat
 Lightweight Umbrella for Shade or Rain (preferably one that attaches to your stroller)

This should help you pack without worrying about forgetting important things for baby. If there is something you cannot live without that is small and able to be put in your checked bags then go right ahead and pack it. Just do not forget your clothes and necessities. Good luck traveling with baby and have a wonderful trip.

Want more tips on traveling with a baby? Check out “Must Have Items For Travel With Baby” and “Traveling with Two Under the Age of Two

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