All Inclusive Resorts: Read Before Going!

All Inclusive Resorts: Read Before Going!
by Julian Lenox

All inclusive resorts are famous worldwide because they offer fun activities, amenities, all meals, and drinks. You do not have to pay anything on top of your bill, and you can just kick back and enjoy a nice holiday. However, some all inclusive resorts are not what they seem. A lot of tourists ended up quite disappointed after staying at this so called all inclusive resorts.
Whenever you stay in an all inclusive resort, you are totally isolated from the country you are visiting. For many people this can be disappointing, because they do not get to know the country they have chose for their holidays. However, if you are well aware of this, you would expect the resort to offer you everything you need and more.

Some tourists find that staying in an all inclusive resort can be very boring. Especially, if they do not offer enough activities. Some resorts in Crete have this problem. In addition, the food that they offer is terrible, which can make your stay a real nightmare.

Some other all inclusive resorts are quite dirty, and break environmental rules. Other resorts do not even offer a private beach. They just count with a swimming pool and a bar. Amenities are not included. They do not offer any activities like water sports.

Tourists tell terrible stories about all inclusive resorts that do not offer anything for fun. They can be call all inclusive only because they offer food and drinks, but that is it. Most guests are ready to break out as soon as they get there, because they get unbelievably bored.

Some all inclusive resorts offer smelly tiny rooms, and some do not even have showers. The worst all inclusive resorts are not really all inclusive. They have a rule of only one drink per person. If you want to have more drinks, you have to pay for them.

If you pay for an all inclusive resort stay, you obviously expect quality service and entertainment. In some cases, they offer a night show, but it is so poor and boring that you end up going back to your room. To make matters worse, some resorts charge you an extra fee for air conditioning or fan in your room.

Obviously, if you are going to stay at an all inclusive resort, you are expecting to find a swimming pool. Although in most cases you do, in some you will find a murky swimming pool, totally uninviting, and you will not dare to take a dip. All inclusive resorts can be really disappointing.

When you plan an all inclusive resort vacation the first rule is not going for bargains or cheap deals, because you will probably end up on a shabby hotel, which is far from all inclusive. Also, it is advisable to read some online reviews on the resort you chose, to know what to expect.

About the Author
Head of Advertizia, Julian J. Lenox writes reviews and articles for Travel and Tourism Top 100, a devoted Travel and Tourism websites analysis reserve. Learn more about Best All Inclusive Resorts.

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